Hunting Carolinas and the FX Legion put on a range day in NC!

Oh wow! Pretty cool! 3 hour drive for me (but an easy drive). Might have to figure out a way to come. Being late in the day with a 3 hour drive won’t be great though…

Get to see a Panthera in person, and maybe push me to pick up another FX rifle…

Recently being in Wilmington, I actually tried to figure out where you guys were a couple weeks ago, but couldn’t find any location info.
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Such a wonderful idea. I hope that you reach a lot of shooters that haven’t experienced pcp rifles yet; and become potential new customers. If I wasn’t on the exact opposite end of the country I’d come check it out. Here in Fresno my uncle used to own a gun shop and he would host “range days” once in a while at a local outdoor range. It was quite popular with his customers.
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