How to update the firmware on a Pard NV008SLRF (USA version)

How to update the firmware on a Pard NV008SLRF

Update and fix to "unable to update firmware" on NV008SLRF:

I took a 128GB MicroSD card and formatted it in a WINDOWS machine to FAT32 or EXfat, depending what your options are. Do not select NTFS.

Then I downloaded the appropriate firmware update to the ROOT directory of the SD card.

I then extracted the ZIP file to the ROOT DIRECTORY of the SD card (very important that it be in root directory!)

I then erased the ZIP file inasmuch as the .bin file has been extracted by the previous step.

Make sure that the .bin file is in the root directory (and nothing else there) of your SD card.

Use the Eject fundtion on on your computer to safely eject the MicroSD card.

With the power OFF on the NV008SLRF, insert the SD card into the NV008SLRF. Attach the type C connector cable to a power source.
You will then observe the tiny blue light near the key pads blink on and off several times.

About 1 to 2 minutes later, you should see that the NV008SLRF has powered itself on. i.e. You did not need to press power button.
Go through the menu on the scope to VERSION to confirm that you have the correct version number.

Now use the MENU to FORMAT the SD card so there is no longer anything on it.

You have now (hopefully) successfully updated the firmware.

I hope that you followed these step by step instructions carefully/completely.
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