RTI How the P3 pressure assisted valve works (Video)

I was wondering,
He say the hammer pretty much bottom out, wouldn't that be undesirable ??
At least in regard to noise, i was thinking having a rubber patch or O ring so you dont get the smack of 2 metal parts colliding.
Also if the hammer is steel, and the body is ALU, couldent the softer ALU deform over time, maybe pinch the valve pin.

The hammer will hit the pin, I think what Gregor is showing is that more hammer won't be actually doing much here because even if you max it out the pin won't move much further..
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My strange mind have already named these balanced valves at teeter tot valves, or see saw as i think the Americans call them.
Anyway it is either in one or the other state, rarely both at the same time

But yeah i think it should also be possible to tune the hammer so it do not collide with the end of its track, as he say you do not gain anything giving it more hammer, it is only giving it too little you can run into problems.

I would very much like to get one of these to play with for a few weeks,,,,,, when that is the weather get better CUZ right now i am not doing anything outside.