I really try to avoid responding to posts that I have difficulty with, but I feel motivated.

If I read your posts right, you're not even familiar with your rifle in terms of shot count, accuracy or even actual function (all from your use on YOUR gun). I'll leave chrony testing out of my thoughts. From an unregulated/unadjusted bulldog, I wouldn't expect more than a handful of shots on POA. And that's assuming you have set up a target at an appropriate distance and have tested it, sighted in, and spent some time getting accumulated to the rifle/trigger and the guns preferred fill pressure to optimize. So, at the end of the day... the mag count may be 1 or 2. Or more... or less...

my gun is bulldog357 5 shot Sigle bolt action 10 shot possible the whole gun is 3000 psi 900 fps it all go on bell curve like to have 35 round just like have extra magazine lot people get hook on shooting witch in know I will will my first test be at 25 yard iron sight first Tactical test sniper training basic's water melon assentation that take 5 year to I do video for you tube on ninjutsu training and tactical test just part of training back at magazine some people only use one two refill at this point I use a hand pump more air mean and tank long with more magazine yeah it confusing ….

I will do first testing be for go on what other thing I have buy like tank or compressor magazine cheaper at this time
thank you I feel welcome here lol I know confuse a lot ya here but that's how come off but really nice guy

thank you I feel welcome here lol I know confuse a lot ya here but that's how come off but really nice guy.

I feel like there's a good person inside the prison you've built around yourself. I want to see you breakout of that mess and have a better life. Knock the cobwebs off of those walls and spend a few dollars on paint. You'll have a better outlook on life. Read what you're about to post out loud and make corrections before hitting submit. Some people think you're trolling with the word jumble posts. I'm telling you like a friend in order to help you.

All men die but few ever really live.
Heavy-impact {

will iam not troll I do make corrections most thoes corrections made by read out aloud it also does grammar it all tell where don't sound right been use it some thoes people think iam troll are mean spirit people that more of prison never thinking out side of the box's and just rude for them to do so for them I been though low and highs of life when it rock bottom not there no were elas but up when people knock you down you get back up never let a bull knock back down never get give either …. 
Can't hold everyone to the same standards Heavy-Impact...I can apply the same opinion to the avg joe on these forums in regards to what I consider common knowledge pertaining to pcp's, but I honestly don't expect many to grasp it all, due to lack of interest, lack of knowledge pertaining to physics or plain laziness..Yet here we are, still receiving very basic, fundamental questions about pcp's when there is a search function that will more times than not show many topics already covering commonly asked questions. Its not as simple as 1+1=2, but its still very simple, yet many people refuse to take the time to ponder things for themselves, some just want something that connects their question to an answer on a personal level.

If blacksword's short comings (which we all have in one way, shape, or form...) yields you to ask 'how does he even put on his pants', I'd all of us, one foot at a time. I am all for support and encouragement, but one must do so with a sense of compassion and empathy.

Certainly blacksword doesn't need anymore magazines, but if he wants back-ups and extras, I would personally suggest just 1 extra...2 is plenty for a .357 cal and having a back up is good in case you lose or break the original. 

Last writtng on this thank you all fore giving good advice on magizine post try get shooting done this year I check my air soft gun case found out less thing to buy that good less money to fork out tranport to one place to another lot easier now lol cost more is the tank still have to think about get one. I also found my lasirer another flash light funny huh