How Do You Guys Keep Your Wife From Seeing All The Packages Arriving

My wife is actually pretty darn cool about my Man Cave hobbies as she calls it as long as I don't get to stupid. For the most part I sell off something to buy something else to offset really high prices and keep the clutter down. Its not the packages that come in that is a problem, It is the money going out of the bank account that will get my butt in trouble 
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I don't have other hobbies..don't have time for it I almost don't have time for this one either..I mostly work with machines so payments are not something I do she does all the paying from my PayPal for me .. so there is not a pellet she doesn't know is coming .. like others I try to sell something to buy another..but I'm in a point that I don't want to sell anything n try something new...I promised my self to keep it at 12 guns only 😁..
LMAO Augie..............I have my $$ she has hers $$ so that package i a nunya

Ha ha! Wifey knows of all my pcp guns. Heck, one of them she pushed me out the door to go drive to Oregon to go buy it, and even booked me hotel rooms so I could go on this road trip and enjoy myself. 

Only gun purchase I ever kept from her was a Savage 110 BA, in 338 LM. It was such a high dollar purchase at the time, I didn’t think she’d understand the want and the need, lol. Now looking back, she probably would’ve approved cause she approves of these pcp rifles that cost just as much- DOH!!

So long as I pay it back into the general fund, of course.....
I'm very grateful in saying that my wife is very understanding concerning my addiction because I've always been the bread winner in my home. I met her in the first grade in 1960 and she carried my clarinet in the fifth grade, we've been together for 49 years. I've learned in life that it pays to honest and it will cost you if you're not, so when they show up, as they always do, she's glad to see me happy.
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