Holy Moly, Batman.... the search function is awesome

I just had the pleasure of using the updated SEARCH function and I am blown away. It is fast and easy and better than I have ever seen. It is a great update, AGN. Thank you for the improvement.

Screenshot 2022-04-11 132447.1649705118.png

I like it TBH. Michael had a lot of trouble with the old search. Not sure what the problems were but I've never looked at that code. It was hard to work with.

This new one is google based. If anyone has figured out how to search "random" data for a pattern of words, google has done that.

I may be wrong but these search operators should work in the new search bar:


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Hi everyone 

AWS Elastisearch made lots of promises but never really delivered. Our former developer complicated things (on the network side) even more when they implemented auto-scaling split demographic instances. 

Rest assured we've been working our tails off since the beginning of the year, and soon, very soon, we will reveal something truly awesome. 
