Hide n Seek

Little stay at home project, so now its time to camo something else hmmmmm where’s my dog


The Avenger never ceases to amaze me with it's accuracy, quality of build, number of shots, and now you've turned a plastic stock into a good looking plastic stock! An excellent companion to my 750!!!

I've got DonnyFL moderators on both of them and I can shoot anywhere, anytime, at just about any distance.


Actually a dreamline classic FX 30 cal and currently I am sewing a burlap cover for the Donny fl and scope gonna name this one G.I. Joe 
That's a real nice job . What plant did you use for your pattern ?

Juniper sprigs and full branches and it surprised the heck out of me how well it worked

Next time I'm on the east side of the state I'll have to get some of that, I only have cedar & maple leaves here . Thanks for the info great job !!

BTW what ever you do don't break the sewing machine LOL