Help Needed with Brocock Contour S6

Probably hung up here I would put the dowdy inside first so it seats properly then thread the outer piece on.


Again, thanks for your time and help. It was getting to me trying to fix this while standing on a busted up knee, injured back, and left hand. It was the wife's suggestion I send it out, that's why she has the balls, she's smarter than me and knows when to hire a professional.

If fact, I got injured when I took a big fall while carrying deck boards after talking her out of hiring someone to do the work. Again, I should start listening to her. 

I finally found the wrenches I needed to separate the two parts. (not without some cosmetic damage) The gun is back together and aired up to 2900 psi so I'll check it on the morning to see if it's still leaking. This gun doesn't have a manometer on it so I'll use the SCBA tank and gauge. As for the cosmetic damage, it bothers me, but I don't have the time to fix it yet, but will.
