N/A (Help) My HW97K won't cock.

Hi AGN. I have a problem. My 97K just quit on me in middle of shooting. It won't cock. Before I pull it out of it's stock. What may wrong? I was thinking it may be that tapped stud that the front trigger guard screw, screws into. That's all I got. But that does'nt make sense to me because nothing is loose.I don't like tearing into things anymore because it usually does not go as well as I'd like. So having a vision in my head as to what to look for would help. So what is your pre-diagnoses AGN. I appreciate the help.
Hi AGN. I have a problem. My 97K just quit on me in middle of shooting. It won't cock. Before I pull it out of it's stock. What may wrong? I was thinking it may be that tapped stud that the front trigger guard screw, screws into. That's all I got. But that does'nt make sense to me because nothing is loose.I don't like tearing into things anymore because it usually does not go as well as I'd like. So having a vision in my head as to what to look for would help. So what is your pre-diagnoses AGN. I appreciate the help.
The only time I had that problem with my 97K the spring was broke, but the trigger can also make them not want to cock.
Turn the big aluminum trigger screw clockwise two turns.

- If this allows the trigger sear to engage the piston tang (cock), unscrew this screw in small increments. Once the trigger is to your liking, bend the metal flange holding the screw with needle nose pliers or Loctite to hold screw in place.
Yep. Think the guys that have given this advice are spot on. If it works, pay attention to the screwhead orientation and see if it moves as you shoot. Had that issue with my HW35. Rather than bending the tab you can use a little Teflon tape or thread lock to keep it from moving once you have it set.
I've tried the suggestions with the 1st stage screw. That didn't help. I pulled the trigger group out. Adjusted the 2nd stage screw. got it to to cock once then when I try to cock it again it feels like it's just bumping into a stop. Definitely not happy considering it's a freaking $700 rifle. I really don't want to crack it open to get to the piston. Anything else I might do???