Help me understand Youtube

Three years ago I uploaded a few videos of my iguana hunting trips in western Puerto Rico. To my surprise, one of the videos got a lot of views (now it has 767K views). Two months later I uploaded a clip of the same video and, again to my surprise, the clip only has 4,849 views now. As you can see, the video is really plain, nothing special (no voice, no text, almost no editing). I wonder why the long version got so many views and also why the clip got so few! Could be the title?? Also interesting is the high number of dislikes, about 50%!. For me it is easier to understand the clip's results 😅. Anyway, I would appreciate any comments and/or theories to help explain this.

This is the long one,

The clip,

The views are due to your video been displayed to more people and people clicking it! The more people watch the more YouTube will show it to your audience, show is one thing, then actually making people to click and watch is another, title and thumbnail are important for people to watch! The high ratio on dislike maybe is due to the people clicking expecting one thing and getting something completely different!

wow but your video is getting a lot of views, hope one day I get a video like that, my most watched is just 100K 
Sometimes the view counts go through the roof if people, especially people with a lot of followers, happen to share the video with their followers across other social media platforms.

As you can imagine, this can create a scenario where it is hard to compare why one video has so few views, while a very similar video has practically gone viral. It's often all about that social media web.