Heat shrinking rubber for barrel protection and carbon fiber bottle cover FX.

Fishing pole socks works really well as and lots of colors to pick from fits great over bottle and shroud as well I got mine on amazon.

I know this is an old post. I just purchased my first FX Maverick and liked the look of the shrink wrap that jld1969 posted about so that is what I went with. Then came the fun part of getting that 50mm wrap pulled over the bottle. Not having a completely workable thumb I quickly determined that there was no way I could force that over the bottle no matter what lube I could use. Here is the trick I used to make this an effortless install.

1) Starting with a length of wrap about 6" longer than need I sealed off one end with 2 blocks of wood and a clamp

2) On the other end I used zip ties to seal around an air nozzle

3) Inflated the shrink wrap and massaged it while inflated to give it some stretch

4) Cut to length and easily slip over the bottle and shrink away.

5) Done and Done

Hope this info is useful
