Hatsan 95 .25 Pesting Squirrel Head Pop!!!

Had a squirrel in the attic (or at least I think one, stay tuned) and was driving the family nuts. Went into the attic and see him just dancing around having a good time but then he bolts. Found where he's coming in at a hanging eaves on the side of the house. Was outside and heard him rummaging and decided to text the $120 Hatsan 95 in .25 from AD. Using a plain Air Arms 25.64 domed pellet, waited til his head peaked out, lined up the open sights and from about 17 yards away and 2 stories up, ear holed him. He dropped out, did the squirrel death dance and a minute later, done. Sprinters have their place for sure. Did it's job. And for $120, can't complain. Pics for visual of shot placement. This is always key!!!



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Nice shooting! You do not want him or his family in your attic, big problem. He looks young, where is the rest of the family?



I just popped another one yesterday. So yeah, probably a family up there. I'm having the eaves repaired but it won't be for like another 10 days before they can get out. And with heavy rains here in the south it may delay that some too on other jobs they got lined. up. So, I'll keep sitting on the porched waiting til they peek their little heads out and line them up.