Has Anyone Had Success with a FedEx Damage Claim? (Warning- Disturbing Images)

IMHO, neither UPS, FEDEX or the Post Office ever pay claims. It just isn’t done. Sad but true…

This is correct,Ive been in truck freight logistics for over 30yrs.

Freight claims are NEVER PAID.

Are you saying that when I pay for an extra $1000 insurance I'm wasting my money???

This is a interesting topic. I don't know enough about this to say if insurance is a waste or not. but I do have an experience that makes me wonder.

I had a PP700 in new condition. I sold it here on AGN I sent the pistol USPS and I have always insured for a little more than the value. The shipping on this got really messed up and we thought the pistol lost. I put in a claim, I had good pictures, and I had the original receipt, I sent several pictures to the US post office claims and my claim was denied. The reason they used was insufficient proof of value. I have no idea on how I could of provided better proof. I had several detailed pictures of the pistol, and of the packing along with the receipt. 

For the most part with USPS you are wasting your money on insurance. Being a Federal agency you can't get the slightest upset with their employees or process. It is a federal crime. This reduces you to nicely begging which gets you nothing with anyone. 

They don't have a normal structure or chain of command beyond a first level Supervisor, assuming you can even get one of those. They will occasionally pay a claim but almost non-existent and pure luck. USPS really has no accountability. Better Business Bureau won’t ding them, Credit Card Company won't go after them and they could care less if you trash them in forums etc. I do not believe you can file a suit. There is no recourse.

It is like trying to get any federal agency to pay for damages they incur. Way different than a company.