Got to shoot a target at 310 yards today

Beautiful day here in the northeast. Light wind. Paid the kids $30 to wade through the marsh around the lake and hang a target on my steel plate. Fired 2 shots from the Daystate Safari .25 and blew out the oring in the breach. You’ll see the 2 hole covers on the target. Fixed the oring and had just enough time to shoot 10 shots. Scope wasn’t set up so I had to hold over 2 and 1 to the left. I hate aiming at nothing, but the group was not bad for my first try. 


2 shots pushed the group from 8” to 11”. Funny thing is I can’t see where I’m hitting. Have to have the scope turned down to 8x for this far of a shoot. By the way, I was shooting Nielsen 33.5g slugs. Once I get the scope sorted out I hope to tighten this a bit.