Huben GK1 Magnetic gate fixed☆Sort of☆☆

As received, the after market loading gate would blow open every time I shot. The magnetic hold was not strong enough. Replaced with bigger earth magnetic. Picture shows both. Problem solved. Bill and Addi

Ok, one more issue. If you don't seat the pellets, it will jam. The magnetic after market gate leaves 2 cylinders exposed, allowing the pellet to get pushed back upon firing and jams against the block. If you seat each one, no problem. I don't need to seat them with the factory gate. I don't want to have to seat each pellet, so put the factory one back on. If you don't mind seating the pellets, the magnetic swing open gate works fine. The only real benefit of the swing open gate is unloading is easier. Not enough benefit for me to have to seat each round to make it work. More fiddling loading than the unloading benefit.
Bill and Addi.
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