Fx wildcat mk3 problem

Ok so now I’ve got it working. I actually removed the wrong o ring from the reg lol

i can only guesstimate the reg pressure from the fx gauge to be at 125, whereas before it was 150

previously it was shooting 25gr at 900 with reg at 150, then 935 with the dual transfer port with same reg at 150 and now 970 with both tp and plenum with reg now 125 
Good gains in power, more than what I actually wanted or expected 

however, the fx tube gauge is still not working 
Interesting maybe but I believe it makes more sense for your sniper to install external 2.5” Ernest Rowe PLenum than an internal HUMA plenum that takes away from your filling capacity, takes away your external regulator adjustment and will very likely be too much of the “good” when combined with the Ernest Rowe. Just my 2 cents but I would seriously reconsider your choices as the AMP regulator is just as fine as a HUMA despite probably a slight shorter longevity but then a new AMP is cheap enough ....

