FX Impact oring change. (Regulator rod) Help.

I have just been through this and it is a bit painful. The best way for me was to get a needle under the first one and work it to the bottom. it was to hard getting one over the other.
It didn't look pretty but it worked. I've found that FX orings are a real tight fit and most YouTube videos don't show you putting them on because they can drive you mad.
Thanks. I managed to bruteforce the rear oring over the first one without breaking it.

Next time (and im sure there will be a next time), i will try and wrap some sewing thread around the first gap, maybe halfway up. Should make it easier to get something under the oring and move it from first to second slot.

But for now the impact no longer looses 75 bar/day...
I grease them up with synth silicone. Then I hold the rod end straight up (with the allen wrench hole down}. Place the o-ring on top place my index finger on top of it and mash down as I rotate my finger around the periphery of the rod, slowly getting one side of the o-ring down in the groove. Then work the other side. Then I have to squeeze that o-ring out of groove 1 and down onto groove 2.

Or, you might take a toothpick and place it along side the rod parallel to it, drop the o-ring down on the toothpick and roll it down the toothpick and rod to the second groove. The toothpick should keep the ring out of groove 1. Repeat for the second o-ring. Haven't tried that toothpick method but thinking it might work.
It's a pain in the butt, that's for sure! Good luck.