FX Impact M3 First Regulator Orings sizes

Hi Everyone

On the first regulator of my Impact M3 I want to replace the oring that sits on the inside face of the bottle connector - see attached pdf file.

For some reason, FX do not show the first regulator orings in their Parts Diagram, only D96 - a wonderful oversight.

This oring is shown by Ernest Rowe at 11:40 on the MasterClass video “Impact M3 Complete Disassembly”.

It is mentioned by many others in various videos and forums, but no one (that I can find) mentions the size and type of oring.

Any help will be appreciated.


View attachment First Regulator M3.pdf
Hi, I dont know if you still need this oring size. I needed this exact oring size and was able to track it down in one of the comments on a video about the first regulator. Anyway if anyone needs to know its 8x1.5 nbr 90. here is the video if you want to look at it. This is the exact quote about the bottle adapter/regulator oring sizes.
1 year ago
@tomaszturzynski6881 oring on the bottle regulator: 2x1 nbr 90 x1, 4x1.5 nbr 70 x2, 8x1.5 nbr 90 x1, 16x2 nbr 90 x1, and rubber / washers 11507 x1
this is the video