FX Impact M3 2nd regulator leaks after rebuild

To the OP- if you changed out that X2-8, pull the reg body out, the piston with the washer stack. Clean the cavity well by shooting air into it. Normally I take a long q-tip soaked in acetone and clean out the cavity well, then shoot air in there to make sure no q-tip fuzz balls remain.

Then I install that inner o ring, dry. If you try installing it lubed you’ll pull your head hair, armpit hair, and pubes all out of sheer frustration. You’ll look like Mr Kleen

After the o ring sets in place, I take a long stick like a shish ka Bob stick and lather the outside of that o ring with silicone grease.

For all you know that inner o ring may not be set 100% in its groove and inserting the reg body pulled part of it out


The Impact has more O rings than any other air gun and is complicated than other air guns , I have been told from the beginning of the impact line its a gun for experts in the the tunning of air guns not for the novice or the beginner . This was 10 years ago I thought the gun would change Nope, Maybe a little better O rings now.
I would not say for experts, but for these who want to be able to fine tune, I wanted that as a beginner, and please don't change it to something more simple and remove the fine tune options 😂👍