First big bore kill!

Today was the third time I've carried my new Dragon Claw in the woods chasing pigs. I finally caught them out during daylight and was able to make a good shot on a 80-90# sow. I had my pick between several about this size, a 150-175# boar, and some great grilling size 30-50 pigs. I figured this to be a good test. The 370 grain TC maxi ball blew right through taking out the top of the heart and both lungs. She only made it 50 yards. This airgun hunting is a hoot!


Exit hole


Hog nest!


The boars range from ok to downright rank. You can mitigate the awful, rank taste with various concoctions. Lemon juice and vinegar are two that I've used with decent results. I prefer any pig under 100 pounds. The best, in my opinion, are 30-50# pigs.

I prefer a sow if it is going to the table. Under 250 and they are reliably good. Much more and they can get rank as well, but at east you have a good chance. If a boar is running with a pack of mature sows, you can bet he will be a nasty carcass.
To get rid of really gamey taste, try marinating in scotch or cognac plus rosemary, peppercorns and garlic. It works pretty good.

LMAO, drink the scotch and cognac and tip the pizza delivery. Rank pig has always stayed that way it seems, and if you manage to get it out, cooking will turn your stomach.

I've run in to more in domestic stock than in the woods, and that is surprising.