Fast Fouling Frustration- BRK Ghost .22

Fast Fouling Frustration- BRK Ghost .22

Recent BRK ‘World Record Ed’ 28” .22 cal is very consistent velocities and great trigger but the barrel fouls within 30-60 jsb mrd shots. The accuracy is 2-6+” at 100 yards. Never consistent at any reg pressure or hammer spring. The green hammer spring was way too powerful so replaced finally to HP+ spring. The HP+ spring gives reg 110-125 bar, 5-10 pw and velocities of 890-940 fps.

Now the barrel. It is tight near breach- then loose mid portion but tight choke. The barrel is tough to clean with many silver lead flakes. But the kicker is pushing a pellet through barrel before cleaning is rough and it smears the head and skirt like a pellet sizer.

If I clean with only balistol and patches, the pellet are still smeared like a pellet sizer. Now with JB paste and some elbow grease the pellet pushed through with mild imprinting of grooves without resizing. But this morning I tried shooting 60-70 rounds and accuracy was same as before. Not good but consistently bad. Got home and pushed pellet through and fouled, rough and resized (mostly in choke). So barrel back to AOA. But tough to send back.. well.
Charlie c

Ps photos are of how the fouled ‘resized’ pellets look. Jsb mrd but Jts is the same.



