Exchanging 6000 PSI Nitrogen Cylinders.

Some how I ended up with two empty 6000 psi cylinders. Took them in for an exchange. WOW, 375.00 dollars now for a fill & 100 a year rent. Could have been two years since I last did an exchange. While I was there I ask the fellow to weigh one of these cylinders. I know I have had heavier ones, but one of these weighed 307 pounds. I used a tiny chain hoist & the cart here at my house. The cart was given to me by Bubblerboy64 on this site. Makes it a lot easier. While I really like 6000 psi nitrogen, as i get older I have to uses tools to move them around. I can see a time coming, when I will not be able to move them around anymore. I dont know how many fills I get out of a full cylinder, but they last me over a year. They are a beast to move around. 



fyi The cost of delivered liquid nitrogen in the industrial marketplace can range, depending on market costs and delivery location, from $0.35 per hundred cubic feet to $1.50 per hundred cubic feet. In cylinders, the price can jump as high as $3 per hundred cubic feet.

your bottle probably has 484 cubic feet at a really high price of ten dollars a hundred it should be $48.40 max
I know your pain trying to love those suckers. I have replaced mine about once a year too. I was shocked that first time. I needed up just using a tank hand truck and pulled it on on my utility trailer. 

Airgas tried to raise the price on me last year, from my $75-100 fill (can’t remember now). I can’t remember how high, but I’m pretty sure it was more than double. I went by the store to ask, and the lady is always really helpful. She said to say that I can’t pay that and that I can pay $75-100 )whatever it was) pay her, and she will credit the rest. It worked out fine. 

I went this route originally when I wasn’t shooting as much, because I thought I wouldn’t be able to reach compressor price, but I am looking at going back to a compressor because I shoot much more now. My Nitrogen has been great, and I don’t regret it all until I need to move it!