Epic Epic Airguns Two arrived


Apr 9, 2021
I know i said my goodbyes, but my mood is good and i have a few things on my heart that i think will not offend anyone.

The reason for my good mood is the UPS guy just delivered my Epic Two ( 700 mm / 4.5 mm .177 / LW barrel )
And Monday look to be pretty much 0 wind.


The case is just like the one i already got when my Maverick grew with 100 mm in barrel length.
This can barely house the Maverick, well at least ´when it have a scope mounted.

Mind you the Two barely fit, even the end cap on the barrel was off and there was 0 mm in the case length in surplus.
I was expecting to need to get a new case as i was sure the provided one would not work with the folding stock i also got, still a bit disappointing there is no way the not folded rifle + a mounted scope will fit i am sure ( not put on scope yet )


Folded stock and suddenly there is plenty of room, but then you can not close the case, well maybe if you jump on it, but i am not going there.


This is my new rifle.
There is many like it, but this one is mine.
My new rifle is my best toy, it is my source of calmness.
I must master it as i master my life.
I must fire my rifle true, i must kill many X on the evil paper and kill many flies.


Now to measure up the folded rifle and order a new case with pick foam, and hopefully a little bit shorter and wider and thicker than this provided case CUZ that aint going in the trunk of my car which i would like to be able to do.

O and then just a little update as it seem like it have been ignored on here as far as my looking in now and then say.
But the Epic airguns One model are just about ready to launch, Ballistas made a little video on it with its different versions and also highlighting a few add ons.

The video is in the CZ language i for one do not have a build in decoder for, but fortunately it do have English subtitles.

IMO the one dont look half bad for a damn bullpup
Okay so i have gotten a little on with it, well as far as you can in a small living room.

The trigger from the factory was pretty much 1 stage, but i finagled some knobs and i now have a nice 2 stage trigger ( might still need a little range adjustment but its all there to play with )
The REG was just set to 50 BAR, so i cranked that up to 100 BAR, but then the rifle shoot fairly hot with the 13.43 gr pellets ( +1000 FPS )
But hammer adjustment do make changes both up and down in speed depending on how i turn the wheel, so for now i will leave that be.

First shot string though was not too bad.
Though i think i will have to throttle a little back on the REG pressure


Looking forward to Monday when i get to shoot it.
Saturday is also range day, but high wind so we make a run to the lumber yard and pick up a few posts and boards for the new shot shed, i probably also ram / cast one or two of those posts before i call it quits.
So i did not want to grab the old case my Cyclone rest in, but it is larger, so large i can just have it on the back seat and close the door in my car.

So i figured why not go take down, well at least until i get a better case, and the tensioned Two barrel screw right off.
Still its only just it can fit in there, this case clearly not made for scoped rifles.


PS. I do acknowledge that i probably need a set of rings a bit lower.
Yes that is also my understanding with the One, lets hope it work out for Epic this time, the One was originally intended to launch first but ran into some problems.
From what i can see in the video it is a entirely different beast than the Two, they dont even share magazines

My Two feel good and look good, not run into any screws like on my Maverick smeared in "call the hulk and the flame if you want to loosen this screw thread locker"

I hope to get some shooting in Monday, 50 M and my usual 86 M distance, i have also put a few tins of pellets in my bag, but focus are on the slugs.
The plan is to shoot circles around various brand fanboys.

Welcome to the forum @dynamischyteit
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BTW i have ordered a case from Danish airsoft brand ASG, the Two should be able to fold up and install in that nicely.

PS. The overall length with folded stock and the moderator adapter installed is 94 CM, my plan is to not have the moderator adaptor installed on the rifle, so i should have a couple of inches of clearance in either end of the case.
But i might place the Two asymmetrical so the stock hinge are very close to the end, it is a solid part i dont think if it get a little knock.
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Yes that is also my understanding with the One, lets hope it work out for Epic this time, the One was originally intended to launch first but ran into some problems.
From what i can see in the video it is a entirely different beast than the Two, they dont even share magazines

My Two feel good and look good, not run into any screws like on my Maverick smeared in "call the hulk and the flame if you want to loosen this screw thread locker"

I hope to get some shooting in Monday, 50 M and my usual 86 M distance, i have also put a few tins of pellets in my bag, but focus are on the slugs.
The plan is to shoot circles around various brand fanboys.

Welcome to the forum @dynamischyteit
I can't wait to see your groups! What slugs you'll try? Ive found this video on yt:
its amazing what this gun can do with slugs.

Welcome to the forum
Thank you 🙂
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It is a damn heavy rifle, for sure not something i would use other places than a bench, for sure not a walker rifle.
Make my maverick feel like a featherweight.
Some seem to shoot these pretty fast speeds, well with the CZ barrel at least, so i will probably start with going up in speed come Monday.
It is at 930 fps right now with the 13 gr ammo.
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I normally shoot 13 gr Zan slugs but i have Zan and H&N in 13 -16 and 20 grain, but Monday i will probably focus on the 13 grain i am used to.
My maverick can shoot 1" 5 shot groups at 86 Meters, with out too much sweat, but it is a temperamental rifle i feel CUZ i can come back 3-4 days later and then i will have to meddle with it again.

For instance in the fall 23, one day i was shooting sweet groups at 86 M, then the week after with the temperature dropping 10 - 12 degree C and my Maverick was like a scatter gun all over the place and i was not able to find a sweet spot for it.
Also a reason our new shot shed will be a heated one.
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Well we will have in a few months, and we have both a wood burning stove and a diesel heater to deploy, the shed is 4 X 3 Meters even if we are just 2 shooters or more often just me shooting as my M8 is engaged in other hobbies ATM.
I dont think we / I will go for insulation too, next winter will probably just be the shed, but i also think that will be just fine it is still a fairly small volume.

And i will make a fairly small opening to shoot out off so as not to loose too much heat in winter.
the ends will have 2 larger windows 2 layer glass windows recycled from somewhere. so there should be enough light in there without having to rig some 12 V LED light.
Got this post on the shed projekt.
Got this post on the shed projekt.
That is really cool! Im jealous :). Here in the Netherlands we don't have much space. Houses and city's are packed together and big pieces of land are priceless in most pard of our country. I've to drive 2 hours for a decent 100 meter shooting range. Im currently searching for a nice piece of land close to where i live where i can have permission to shoot. but its hard to find.
regarding your shooting shed, it would be nice if you can keep it warm in the winter when you're shooting through a small window. Styrofoam is a cheap and easy insulation material to work with and it would benefit you on the colder days i think. I know Denmark could me cold.
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My friends place is 35 Km or so west by northwest of the #2 largest Danish town Aarhus.
We Danes masters is super efficient farming here, so not much nature left here, so farms are now big and have a huge footprint also on the flora and fauna.

Fortunately if you can make do, large parts of the rural parts of the country are getting depopulated and out there i could rent a house cheaper than my 2 room apartment in the #6 largest town here, which are cheap when it come to rent.
So northern and western parts of the Jutland peninsula, well easy to find a little place, the problem would be how long do you have to drive to get to work.

When my friend looked for a house with his little inheritance from his parents, he looked at a house way out north & west that had so much land that today 5 years later he would have been able to live there for free in that house, and have a few hectares around the house.
Unfortunately for him, like with used cars he settled on the wrong one, so his current house well i doubt it can sell when he die, it had been 6 years on the market when my friend got it.
A buyer would have to buy the place for just the property, and tear everything else down.

If we insulate the shed, i think just 50 mm will be fine, unlike the actual building code that here these days i think require 3 - 400 mm insulation on walls and at least 500 mm on the loft / roof for new houses.

I looked at a nice house a few days ago, for rent cheaper than my apartment, okay it did have electric heating but also a wood burning Stowe and the kicker all the free firewood you like.
As a bonus for a old angler myself, 50 M from one of the nice little rivers here, with brown trout and greyling in, so i could dust off my nymph / dry fly equipment and start fishing again.
Not much land to that house, but i am sure some could be sourced near by if you grease up one of the local farmers.
Okay it seem like i lucked out.
The new case i have ordered for the Two, and which i thought would easy fit in the trunk of my car, well it will fit but with a couple of inches to spare so i wouldn't say easy.
Not much trunk in a almost micro car made by a Japanese motorcycle brand :)
I dident think about also measuring my trunk before ordering case for rifle, but my M8 did that today.

The weather forecast for Monday still OK, though i do hope they are a little wrong with the speeds of the gusts guesstimated now to be around 17.8 MPH Or 8 M/s we Danes use for wind speeds.
But average wind speeds should be less than half of that.
Still about as good as it get for little old Denmark.

When i do get around to move out of this apartment, well i aint moving nowhere that can not give me at least 1 Gbit on a fiber to the wall, fortunately that is possible in many rural areas of Denmark.
And as i am retired, well i dont have the job factor to deal with.
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No the wind was not at all nice here, so i dident even bother taking pictures.
I am encouraged shooting 50 M, but i need a calmer day to really see what the rifle can do.

Late in the day the wind did die down but then light was fading too, so just did a little pellet shooting, and on 25 M which is the shortest my scope can focus at.
Well the JSB Beasts did make 1 hole 5 shot groups, and generally round and small hole, MRD pellets not so much but dinner was ready before i really found a tune for those and i did start rather high speed.
Did also have a flier now and then, but shooting strait from the tin i will not complain,and fliers was just 10 - 15 mm off on that short distance.

O BTW i also tried to shoot the Beasts at 86M, and that also seemed to work, with the FX they pass 50 M like a laser beam but them between that and 86 M something go totally wrong and i have seen then spin in all kinds of unwanted ways.
But no sun yesterday so not able to judge if they also did so in the LW barrel of the Two, but judging on where they landed and me cutting ( on purpose ) a thing branch in a tree back there make me think it might work.
But really need high sun and from behind to be able to see pellet / slugs flightpath.
I am seriously considering a scope camera, but the down side is i would also have to buy a camera for that, so it will be a sizeable bill for a guy that just took a massive bite out of his meager savings on his pension.

Of course going shooting ASAP also rain today made it so i did not get around to sink a pole or two for the new shot shed.
I want some of that global warming up here.

I am not a fan of the bottles, also do not need the extra volume as i shoot from a bench and always tethered to a big bottle, CUZ i cam not handle shot count, i just shoot and then get mad CUZ suddenly the rifle shoot like POOP, which is to expected when you fall off the REG 5 - 10 shots ago.
Tethered i just shoot for hours on end. ( i have been seen to sit down and shoot, and do so for 3-4 hours strait )

It do seem like this LW barrel like to shoot H&N slugs a lot more than my FX maverick do, Then again my FX do not like them at all.
Also weights, started on 13 gr Zan then went to 16 gr H&N and then on to 20 gr H&N and Zan, all weights seem encouraging, but i need less wind or at the least not from the side like yesterday, with the wind in the back its a little better even if i shoot upwards at a 15 deg angle or something like that.

So not shot any sweet sub 1" groups at 86 M, not even close, but i do feel it is possible once i get more settled with this rifle, the LW barrel do seem like it like to shoot things a little faster, but hard to tell on a day like yesterday

Also i really need to make some wind flags this year, it is too hard to judge looking at the trees in the hedgerow between the fields.
Actually i mostly judge wind by ear as it make the old shot shed pop and crackle, also you can hear it in the trees too, though more when they have leaves on.