EDgun Lelya electronic gauge finally crapped out.

I figured it was a matter of time before it happened. Have had the airgun for about a year or so. Changed the battery in it when I got it and it lasted some time. Went to shoot the Lelya today and pressed the EDMU to check the pressure and there was no readout. Ok fine, ill just change the battery. Did so and still nothing. Messed with it a bit and even checked the battery to make sure it was good. Still nothing. Figured what the hell I'll poke around a bit. Got it to light up but the readout on the screen was all funky. Honestly I never liked it anyway and intended on changing it to a Wika Analog Gauge but just never got around to it. So in a way Im happy it crapped out on me. Always had this felling in the back of my head that the thing would let me down so no surprise. Happy it happened at the house and not while I was out and about.
None of the above. Wires are all good and resetting did not help. Thanks though. In the end Its just a reason for me to order a more reliable gauge. And I did. I never did like the EDMU and felt it was more hassle then it was worth. All the little extra things it had in it was pointless for me when all I wanted to do was simply look at a gauge and check the air pressure. It will be heading for the trash once my new one comes in.