Double bottle build

Like this?

on a Wicked Air rifles FLEX attached to the regulator block

1577412863_1924729945e0568ff13a834.96459833_WAR FLEX w D-bottle.jpg

Well, Jim Gaska made it and since he's shut down that doesn't help you.

But I understand that this guy is working on WAR stuff and does custom machining:

Brian Thurman

Veradium Air


[email protected]

I would note that there is a change in the design I would specify... The double tank block can shift/pivot against the face of the regulator block. I would have the adapter block made a bit thicker (like .1) so it had a groove that the regulator fit into that made 'wings' that stuck up just past the edges of the regulator so the sides of the groove touched the sides of the regulator block. You'd think air pressure would keep it locked but at low pressures when you've shot down to drop off the regulator the "leverage" is enough to let it shift / rotate around the center attaching bolt/fitting. A pain to get it lined up while you fill too, better if they interlocking.