Maverick VP 25 cal with Donny FL Fatboy 2.0 and
Muzzle brake
I think that Donny, or someone that has a 3D printer...needs to come up with a "fix" for the expensive Fat Boy.

I've done a, by ear only, audial test with my Fat Boy vs. - All shooting the same 17.7 gr. pellet, all guns shooting in the 790 to 830 ft/sec.

1. Huma M40, 2 segment mounted to my Caiman (.22) vs the Fat Boy. Huma quieter by a LARGE margin.

2. Weihrauch (OEM) on an HW100 Bull Pup (.22) vs. the Fat Boy. Weihrauch quieter by a large margin.

3. Tatsu mounted to an HW100 Bull Pup (.22) vs. the Fat Boy. Tatsu quieter by a very small margin.

4. Tatsu mounted to a Walther Reign (.22), with a shortened barrel vs. the Fat Boy. Fat Boy quieter by a very...small margin.

5. Huma M30, single segment, mounted to my AP16 (.22, pistol !), vs the Fat Boy. We have a winner...the Fat Boy is a good bit quieter than the tiny Huma M30. Not much of a fair comparison though. Looks odd, I may leave it on there for a while.

Seems many of us spent a lot of money for a mostly useless tool. There's a more telling fact than what I've done the amount of brand new Fat Boy suppressors for sale ! 

Anyone with a 3D printer feel like tackling this situation with some sort of different core than the original ? Baffles (angled, pointed, flat), wrapped core (gotta be different than the OEM version !), moving baffles (ah-la Daystate), anything else.
