Did K&L buy Saber Tactical?

IMO, not funny or smart. Dishonest and a waste of my time.

If I went to look for a brand (of anything) and was redirected to another brand, I would be unhappy with that, and would be less likely to buy from the brand that was wasting my time.

Just an alternative view.

This!! ^^^^^^

I'm sharing the same sentiment. This is low and dishonest and by this you know the type of people behind the brand. I'm not expending a single cent on anything they will sell. 

I still can't believe they have done such a dirty move. I really hope this action have completely different effect that they intended. At least for me the brand is death
I don’t know how I feel about it. It’s a catch 22. Honestly, if saber tactical wanted to keep the domain, they would have. Is it laziness on their part for losing it? Did they forget to pay a bill? Did K&L pull a poopty move by a snatching it up when available? 
companies do this stuff all the time. It’s part of business. Not what I would call bad business practice. If anything, it’s very smart. If someone was looking for a saber tactical accessory they saw in a YouTube video, and didn’t know about the similar products K&L sells, now they do! If they don’t like them and still want the saber product, they’ll still buy the saber product. Life goes on guys! 
The domain was not available for sure, either they paid to whomever was holding it or they checked for availability and bought it as soon as they saw it free.

Either way, the moment you do that and redirect it to your website you know you are playing dirty... 

These are not honest people in my book, and everyone is free to do what they want, at least we still have freedom in this country, but every action in this life define who you are.... 
The domain was not available for sure, either they paid to whomever was holding it or they checked for availability and bought it as soon as they saw it free.

Either way, the moment you do that and redirect it to your website you know you are playing dirty... 

These are not honest people in my book, and everyone is free to do what they want, at least we still have freedom in this country, but every action in this life define who you are....

I don’t have all of the info, so I can’t draw proper conclusions. If it is true, they actively monitored to purchase that domain, then yes, I agree with your statements. Maybe they have a representative on this forum that can maybe explain the reasoning behind it. Let’s give them a chance to tell their side of the story!
Eh, loosely checking the domain history, this is nothing new. And for those saying you won't spend a cent on companies that buy domains like this...well, doubt there's much you'll ever buy of anything brand name, in any store, ever--or even walk into most major stores. 

The reason you don't see it on the daily is most companies pay to reclaim domains as this is a regular thing these days. Reminds me of the .xxx sites...colleges/universities were the biggest purchasers of those domains initially. 😂
Eh, loosely checking the domain history, this is nothing new. And for those saying you won't spend a cent on companies that buy domains like this...well, doubt there's much you'll ever buy of anything brand name, in any store, ever--or even walk into most major stores. 

The reason you don't see it on the daily is most companies pay to reclaim domains as this is a regular thing these days. Reminds me of the .xxx sites...colleges/universities were the biggest purchasers of those domains initially.

If they want a domain that is part of the brand I don't see anything wrong with that, but this is not the same as reclaiming a domain... Unless K&L was preparing a birthday surprise 
Eh, loosely checking the domain history, this is nothing new. And for those saying you won't spend a cent on companies that buy domains like this...well, doubt there's much you'll ever buy of anything brand name, in any store, ever--or even walk into most major stores. 

The reason you don't see it on the daily is most companies pay to reclaim domains as this is a regular thing these days. Reminds me of the .xxx sites...colleges/universities were the biggest purchasers of those domains initially.

If they want a domain that is part of the brand I don't see anything wrong with that, but this is not the same as reclaiming a domain... Unless K&L was preparing a birthday surprise

You never know.

Here's the beef I have with this big stink being raised right now:

We all know this happened awhile ago, where was everyone's opinion back then? 

(Removing this commentary about the IG post as it looks like IG was to blame.)

In my opinion, if Saber wanted to make a stink of it when it happened MONTHS ago, fair game. I have issue with folks riding the Public Relations bandwagon because a post on AGN gets hyped up.

For as much finger pointing as folks want to make at KL for whatever transpired with the domain, waiting to jump on the internet bandwagon is worse (in my opinion). If they wanted to say something about it, say it when it happened, not riding on the back of the internet...this passive/aggressive behavior has no place in a business model (edit-the best part is I forget sabertacticalinc has always been their website--damn internet getting me all caught up in it. Remembering that actually makes this whole freak out hilarious...). 

Again, just my opinion. (And to be clear, I own products from both companies and exclusively use DFL moderators--and continue to enjoy Orion's mag inserts 😁)