Delta Wolf

Think I was the first American not associated with AoA to shoot a working Delta Wolf, after Bobby C confirmed it pretty close to zero at 50 yards. Four shots touching, and fantastic firing manners and behavior. The latest word on U,.S. availability is "late 2020, early 2021", as taken from the new edition of the Blue Book of Airgun Values... available late 2020! Wiggle-room on both ETAs by design of Your's Truly, BTW. 

I ain't (always) as dumb as I look (always)! 😲 
Unlike some companies, Daystate likes to make sure a product is ready before they crap them out on the public. 


Luis most be a new airgunner. Does anyone remember how long everyone waited for the first FX Impact? And even after released, do you guys remember how much people waited for the back order? And that was without pandemic.....

Luis everyone know you'r disappointed but if you are done with Daystate and want to move forward well, just do that, your point is noted.