Daystate's All NEW Delta Wolf intro video!

Anyways the double regulation can only be a good thing in the Delta. I don't really know what Tony means with his bc comments exactly (I had initially assumed it might have been a typo or some other error) but if all this somehow also affects overall bc in the absence of changing MV, there is basically a whole branch of internal ballistics affecting external ballistics I'm completely ignorant of

The height and duration of your pressure peak when the valve is opened affects the internal ballistics & how the pellet or slug is engaged in the rifling and this changes both the harmonics and the BC value. This means you will have to compensate for both different barrel timing and motion as well as a changing BC -> result is extra compensation for both elevation and windage while the pressure is dropping, this is especially hard with changing environmental conditions since these are again extra factors to take into account. With a mechanically regulated gun this pressure difference is so minute that this isn't a factor anymore and thus gives a steady BC value and barrel harmonics.

👍 Thank you. 
Not really. Buy an FX Impact PP .35 $2150. Have the gun disassembled to locktite the parts likely to come loose, replace the C3 bumper with a Delrin one (like it should have been in the first place), replace the crappy gauges, add the FX chronograph and after putting it back together chase leaks for a few weeks. OR for a few hundred more dollars, buy a cutting edge gun and start shooting. No need for a separate programmer (+$400) like earlier models, it's built in. That's how I see it.
It seems that Daystate is very timid about releasing data of its coming products. Is that their way to keep people interested in the to be released models?

as I se it the gun isn’t working yet ....or other manufacturers has in meantime products that does the same by now. Regardless of what I am sure there are a few folks right now at the Daystate plant there are sweating.


It’s a great looking gun. Because of the shroud and chronograph built in. Willl there be a model available in Australia and Canada where we can’t have sound suppression

I have questions with regards to this chronograph located within the suppressor. How often will this suppressor have to be cleaned in order for built in chrony to efficiently work, or am I way out in right field on this one. Never have owned a Daystate just wondering, must work as intended.


hi you two,

I have had a SKYPE discussion with Stephen - the owner of SH shooting a little while back on this - SH is Daystate's Australian importer and highly experienced in importing all manor of weapons. Of course we were both confined to our houses so not the normal working backdrop From the comments I see here Im not sure if the situation and restrictions in much of the rest of the world has quite sunk in yet or they think it doesn’t apply to airgun factories? Anyway, back to the chrono question. The question seems to be if the shroud acts as a silencer not that it contains other paraphernalia such as a chrono. So i think that will be our approach with Australian and Canadian import and customs - we will have to ensure that the shroud does not contain any air space for silencing and offer that detail to customs in advance to get their agreement. the chrono is integral to the design and I’m sure that it will be a complex redesign to remove it and also remove a key reason for owning it. Cleaning. The design of the chrono is such that it is easy to clean as it projects through a clear tube which in itself easy to clean or replace. My expectation is that normal barrel cleaning will take care of this and Adriano's (the designer) clever easy-access design will not be needed, but we will see. Here is a picture of the chrono and tube stripped out of its housing -so you can see what I mean.


all the best


Approximate release dates would be appreciated as it is a major purchase for some and it would allow for time to plan/save for the investment.

First run up production was due to start in April with a pessimistic in-shop date for early May. All was going swimmingly until the shock of the virus. But with our manufacturing in northern Italy and UK, its going to have an effect. We carried on regardless at first hoping we could plough through with minimum disruption, but that was not possible. So, the answer is we just don’t know, maybe one of the experts on here would like to tell us when we can re-open? they seem to have an answer for everything else! 😂

I know the US is behind the curve on this as its not hit that hard yet in rural America, mr trump wants it over by April 14. But we were in the same mind set 2 weeks ago and its quite different now, as for our poor friends in N Italy can you imagine? They are seeing 1000 a day die - many people they know. and some numb scull on here says 'the virus will be a convenient excuse'? Sorry but this is just too stupid. I hope he doesn’t get to experience what they are going through, but i sadly think he might.

numb scull (skull) here. No one is saying Corona Virus is not justification for being unable to produce a gun as expected. The practice of "teaser videos" "spoof videos" was going on in this industry for several years. This year due to the virus, the games played by the manufacturers in this industry is actually justified. With the time not used in producing (for good reason) one would think airgun manufacturers would have time to let their present and future customers know how their company will be affected. For your information, I'm in the US and we surpassed China AND Italy in corona virus cases so I am well aware of the serious danger the world is facing. We all understand production of many things will be disrupted. It is not however, a reason for manufacturers to not be forthcoming with information about the situation. We don't need silence or lies-we have our governments for that.
Thing is cmatera, I suspect with all the disruption for manufacturers who have launches planned, they will have to work even harder to try to stay within the dates they committed to originally, before the world was plunged into this current level of turmoil.

Airgun manufacturers may be working with skeleton staff as well, hence I dont see how that gives them masses of spare time to do any of that really.

It’s a great looking gun. Because of the shroud and chronograph built in. Willl there be a model available in Australia and Canada where we can’t have sound suppression

I have questions with regards to this chronograph located within the suppressor. How often will this suppressor have to be cleaned in order for built in chrony to efficiently work, or am I way out in right field on this one. Never have owned a Daystate just wondering, must work as intended.


hi you two,

I have had a SKYPE discussion with Stephen - the owner of SH shooting a little while back on this - SH is Daystate's Australian importer and highly experienced in importing all manor of weapons. Of course we were both confined to our houses so not the normal working backdrop From the comments I see here Im not sure if the situation and restrictions in much of the rest of the world has quite sunk in yet or they think it doesn’t apply to airgun factories? Anyway, back to the chrono question. The question seems to be if the shroud acts as a silencer not that it contains other paraphernalia such as a chrono. So i think that will be our approach with Australian and Canadian import and customs - we will have to ensure that the shroud does not contain any air space for silencing and offer that detail to customs in advance to get their agreement. the chrono is integral to the design and I’m sure that it will be a complex redesign to remove it and also remove a key reason for owning it. Cleaning. The design of the chrono is such that it is easy to clean as it projects through a clear tube which in itself easy to clean or replace. My expectation is that normal barrel cleaning will take care of this and Adriano's (the designer) clever easy-access design will not be needed, but we will see. Here is a picture of the chrono and tube stripped out of its housing -so you can see what I mean.


all the best


That sounds promising thank you. Stephen is a great guy to deal with. I bought my RedWolf through SH shooting.