Tuning Daystate Wolverine R leaking air

Like a slow tire leak, so too went my Daystate Wolverine R.

The first thing I did was to try seeing where it may be coming from using a soapy solution, but that didn't show anything.

Then I took the finger from a neoprene glove and rubber banded it to the end of the barrel. No air fill from there either.

Next thing was to tighten the pressure and regulator gauges (they were loose so they were viewed straight up and down). Still leaking.

Then took the neoprene finger and rubber banded it the nipple over the fill valve itself, probably what I should have done first and next thing, after a few minutes, I made a balloon.

Bled the air and took the fill valve off and even though the "O" ring looked perfect, I replaced it with another one from my stash and kissed the leak good-by. Those rings must get lazy after a while.