it really is a thing of beauty. i dont think its on their site yet.
Not yet. I'm trying to resist the urge to call them and check. I just wish the 0DB moderator color matched better as it was pointed out in a couple videos that it doesnt fit the color scheme. Wonder how much it would cost to get it anodized or powder coated to a more appropriate shade. I'll likely just put a bully cyclone in the appropriate color on it if I needed.
I was very lucky to have one in my hands, this beauty is a piece of art! i felt in love with this edition! Daystate people really know how to design airguns.(y)
Was the moderator color as unmatching in person as it appears in all the photos? Thats the one thing that seems to fail with it as the moderator always appears so much lighter in color and sticks out like a sore thumb.