DAR DAR Gen 3 problem

I apologize in advance if this has already been discussed here, but for some reason I'm not able to search the forum using my phone. Every time I click on the search bar, my keyboard freaks out and goes away after glitching for a second.

Anyway, I recently ordered a DAR Gen 3 from AD. Upon arrival, I checked the side lever (very smooth) and familiarized myself with the magazine by inserting it several times. Well, I decocked it last night with the magazine inserted. This morning, I mounted a scope and filled it with air. When I attempted to remove the magazine, I couldn't. It was stuck. I then attempted to dry fire it thinking that maybe it has to be fired first (again, I'm unfamiliar with the gun) but quickly found out the trigger couldn't be pulled back. I engaged and disengaged the safety several times but still couldn't get the gun to dry fire. I then removed the scope and scope rings. The magazine is still stuck and I still can't pull the trigger. I didn't want to force anything, so I put the gun down and came here to ask for advice.

Anyone have a clue how to fix this issue?
First suspect is partially fed pellet that "locks" magazine in place. Most PCP owners will have a means, usually a long wood dowel, to insert in muzzle and gently tap pellet back into magazine. Some use fiber rods, I use tape-coated .177 metal cleaning rod, have to be careful not to damage crown at end of barrel. WM
First suspect is partially fed pellet that "locks" magazine in place. Most PCP owners will have a means, usually a long wood dowel, to insert in muzzle and gently tap pellet back into magazine. Some use fiber rods, I use tape-coated .177 metal cleaning rod, have to be careful not to damage crown at end of barrel. WM
I never loaded the magazine, so it's 100% not a stuck pellet.
Ok, I figured out what problem was.

I'm an idiot.

Like I said earlier, I'm unfamiliar with this gun, and it's actually my first side lever PCP. The issue was, I wasn't cocking it back all the way. 80% but not 100% 🤦‍♂️

👮🏼‍♂️ Nothing to see here, folks! Move along now! 👮🏼‍♂️
You're not an idiot!

You were just too careful......Glad you got it fixed!
Here she is 😍
