Couple of misses today and a deer

Everyone posts about their hits, I figured I'd post about my misses too.

Went to my dad's after work and as I was walking to the backyard to the deck, I saw a fat one sitting about 15 feet away. Brought the rifle up and fired ... clean miss. The little bugger was right next to his hole too and dove right in-gone. All my fault, I forgot to take into account that my rifle is sighted to 20 yards ...oops.

The second one was a LITTLE less my fault, but not by much. This one was about the same distance away and half hidden by brush-all I could see was his melon sticking out. I aimed where I thought his body was ... wrong. What I thought was the body was just the shadow of a leaf. His body was to the right, and I fired to the left...of course. Another clean miss. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

The highlight of today's "hunt" was while I was standing still on the deck, a doe walked out from between the houses, stopped about 10 feet from me and we stared at each other for a few minutes before she swished her tail and walked into the next yard to graze. Beautiful animal.