Copperhead falls to the Talon P

Dog starts barking in the woods after dark so I grab a headlamp and the Talon. 

Called the dog off , turned scope back to 2 , illuminated scope and dispatched snake. 

I relocate Rattlesnakes and leave all the blacks alone but kill every single copperhead as they have a nasty disposition. 

I worked with a rattlesnake removal and reptile rescue place and almost always relocate all snakes. I don't have an issue with killing them if there is just a huge amount of them and removal is impossible. Here in CA we don't have copperhead snakes but I heard they are an angry lot. Good shooting man. Do you eat them? I eat rattler any chance I get. Lemon BBQ is amazing 
If you don't think rattlers are aggressive you do not live in West Texas, I have had them chase me, Or I just hate the ones that don't rattle, Seems the ones that rattle get eaten by wild pigs, The ones that don't rattle live to breed and live on, Yep there's a name for that.



I've heard about them learning not to rattle because of the pigs, as well as not rattling in areas where "rattlesnake round-ups" take place. Nature is amazing...

The Mojave Greens have made their way to West Texas, I hear. Those critters are no joke.

That rat snake looks more like a king snake. They kill poisonous snakes. 

I've read many times that copper heads are shy and non aggressive. Well, BS! I don't know where many of these liberal wild life experts get their info. They are mean tempered and aggressive. I killed on last month. Luckily I had a light with me returning form the store, It was at the corner of the house and I would have stepped all over it.

Being diabetic, I can't afford a hit from one. It can easily cause the loss of a leg! 

Be dayum careful of disposing of them. Even the severed head can and will bite. 

That rat snake looks more like a king snake. They kill poisonous snakes. 

I've read many times that copper heads are shy and non aggressive. Well, BS! I don't know where many of these liberal wild life experts get their info. They are mean tempered and aggressive. I killed on last month. Luckily I had a light with me returning form the store, It was at the corner of the house and I would have stepped all over it.

Being diabetic, I can't afford a hit from one. It can easily cause the loss of a leg! 

Be dayum careful of disposing of them. Even the severed head can and will bite. 


Not only that, but I hear the ghost of the Copperhead can kill you if you say "Copperhead" in the mirror five times!!