Cool bottle shot

Well, I've shot hundreds and hundreds of bottles and jars and have wound up with some very interesting looking ones after the first shot but I think this is the first time my shot left an almost perfect .22 caliber hole in the front of the bottle. Shot from 20 yards with a JSB dome. I usually get about four shots per bottle. First shot to take the top portion out, then a shot to the middle, then the bottom third and then I set the bottom of the bottle on edge which is my favorite as it makes a really nice loud crack sound when hit.



we dug a huge pit at the farm with a bobcat. at the bottom of the pit we erected 2- 4 X 4 posts and affixed a 2 X 6 X 10' across the top. holes were drilled big enough to hold light bulbs. between them we placed bottles. now we could shoot glass and not have to pick it up afterward! maybe 10 - 15 years later, when the cows needed more grazing area, we pulled the posts and filled in the hole.