Compressors? What the#%{


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Either the horizontal or vertical electric motor 110-220 your choice start at MSRP $3100.00 + shipping for manual W31

MSRP $3700 + shipping for full auto drain, set, shut off. 
Add Gas engine extra $400.00. 

Then there's the W32E, silent canopy ones, huge ones on US Navy subs.

Good compressors are not hard to find. The little Yongers maybe but even Fleabay must have US Dealers w/stockpiles. 

I understand everybody's frustration with availability of things during this pandemic. But it seems that I have seen an awful lot of blame put on vendors for not being able to get what they want. If the vendor can't get it from the manufacturer how do you expect them to sell/ship it to you.

A lot of stuff has been in short supply including the labor to get it packaged and shipped. Be patient and don't blame people who have no control over what is going on.

Alkin, Alkin, Alkin!!!! Expensive yes but you and your nearby friends are never going to need another IF you perform the routine maintenance plus ALL parts are readily available.

Additionally there are other uses for high pressure air bottles regulated down to run air tools without the hassle of a generator or other power on a job site, ranch or other work areas.