Chrony Repair

I've had a chronograph from Amazon for a while and it worked well - until it displayed "E" a few times. Putting aside my manblindness, I actually looked the device and saw a broken "screen". For a $35ish device it's probably not worth trying to repair. I really don't know how it broke. My only guess is that it was a blast from a Co2 pistol.

Error 1a.jpg

Error 2a.jpg
I have owned the 3 digit clamp-on model for about 3 and a half years. (just checked in Quicken to be sure) and it has performed flawlessly.

The ONLY way I can see shooting out the infrared light is if you did not have the device "properly" mounted to the barrel.

Or, you did not have it mounted to the barrel at all.

3.5 years and no problems here...

I have never had an "E" except when the chrono was not properly mounted to the barrel. That happened only ONCE early in my ownership.

In any case, if the 4 digit model displays 1/10 of a meter in MPS mode and ONLY fps in fps mode, them the MPS mode will be more detailed, if not more accurate, because 1/10 of a meter is 0.3280839895 of a foot or fps. So, using the tenths of a meter gives you about 1/3 of a fps for resolution and the fps mode (may) give you only 1 fps resolution.

Not that it really matters. It really didn't matter that much with the older model I have been using for the last 3.5 years. (chuckle)

What DOES matter is hitting my target with precision. (smile)


Just buy another unit at less than $35 and be more careful.

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