Chronograph Secrets Stop Errors

If you're like me, or anyone else that has used a chronograph for a while you know how much of a pain they can be giving errors, getting proper readings, etc. I put together a video of some really useful info some of you may know, many newbies will not know. I hope this helps some of you and makes your life easier.

Years ago I shot my chronograph a couple times. It’s now afraid of me and I never get errors. But I don’t recommend this.

Only a couple? My chrony looks like it been chewed on by chewbacka and spit out again, i have shot it so many times with different calibers that it must be half the original weight... But it still works without any problem, i bought the fx chrony because i needed something that works inside without any extra lights but that piece doesn't work with 2/3 of my guns...