Chipmunk Smackdown #6 (Video)

Hajimoto, I just wanted to say thank you for your great videos and especially your one on scope cam design. I just finished the build using the GoPro and prism and 3D printed piece. So far everything's looking great. I did some testing today and the vibrations from the hammer spring are all but gone. Very clean looking video. Now I'm waiting to get my Hero 4 black so I can do 120 fps. Currently testing with my Hero Silver. Thanks again for all the work you do and great video and sharing your knowledge.
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and taking the time to not only watch the video but to take additional time to write something. I am glad that you guys are getting some use and value in these videos. My property is the perfect small game or pesting environment, two sides of my property are directly against conservation land so that means the wildlife is protected which also means they are severely overpopulated which means they make their way to my property, that is when I can deal with the critters. 

Again I thank you all