Cheap cocking lever mod

Might not be for everyone, but this is one of my favorite easy modifications to my airgun cocking levers. Slid on an automobile rubber vacuum cap to cocking lever, gives me something more to grab onto and a better feeling grip when cocking.

Also added o rings to other cocking levers for a more tactile feel and grip. Wasn’t a problem without, just has a better feel with them.

Cricket Tac II



Veteran with Papy Yosh biathlon lever ( two grooves hold top and bottom o ring in place )
Sorry to swing the convo, but do you like your Cricket or your Veteran more? I'm trying to get my minimum posts so that I can send a PM in order to inquire about a, potentially, second Taipan Veteran.
Gotta give the slight edge to the Taipan. Cricket very close second. If my Veteran had forward cocking, it would be the perfect gun, would love to own the Vet 2 with forward cocking.
Gotta give the slight edge to the Taipan. Cricket very close second. If my Veteran had forward cocking, it would be the perfect gun, would love to own the Vet 2 with forward cocking.
Thanks for the input. I love my Taipan. Have an R5M platform Edgun but it doesn't spark joy the way that the Veteran does. I've wondered about the Cricket. The Vet 2 is aesthetically... displeasing to me. And the removal of the anti double feed is a deal breaker.
Thanks for humoring me.

I dig the simple tricks!
The .25 long?
Yeah, the 25 long!
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Reactions: Matt247365
some great ideas on here, i wish i could find one for my AEA HP SS + it is almost impossible for me to to cock, , went to hardware stores could not find anything, purchased the a/gun new couple of years ago, have less than 50 shots thru it , i also have the first gen HP SS which is hard but i got a knob from a member here that made it easier but still tough , bone on bone arthritis in my left thumb , & broke my right hand in 2012 bike accident..