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Say it ain’t so Ms. Victoria’s “done skipped out of town” like a snake oil salesman. In all seriousness, I feel bad for anyone who bought one of those lottery tickets based on Knife’s recommendation of Ms. Victoria and the Cattletov platform. Some of you may not realize it but when you are a respected member, regarded as an airgun guru, your words carry weight to those seeking that knowledge and expertise. A few members and myself were able to see through the smoke before it settled but many were burned in taking a risk on a gun that looked the part but in most cases fell short. It’s a damn shame that NOT ONE opportunist(pishtov, gunsan, cattleman etc etc) was able to fix the issues with that platform and offer a decent, affordable air rifle. But then again, better QC and parts causes the price to increase. At those increased prices there are more reputable companies with real warranties. Moral of the story: Don’t take a chance on a new airgun/company until it is proven, unless you like gambling
Say it ain’t so Ms. Victoria’s “done skipped out of town” like a snake oil salesman. In all seriousness, I feel bad for anyone who bought one of those lottery tickets based on Knife’s recommendation of Ms. Victoria and the Cattletov platform. Some of you may not realize it but when you are a respected member, regarded as an airgun guru, your words carry weight to those seeking that knowledge and expertise. A few members and myself were able to see through the smoke before it settled but many were burned in taking a risk on a gun that looked the part but in most cases fell short. It’s a damn shame that NOT ONE opportunist(pishtov, gunsan, cattleman etc etc) was able to fix the issues with that platform and offer a decent, affordable air rifle. But then again, better QC and parts causes the price to increase. At those increased prices there are more reputable companies with real warranties. Moral of the story: Don’t take a chance on a new airgun/company until it is proven, unless you like gambling

Excuse me Sir, but I never recommended the guns. It was my position that with improvements that I was developing for the gun, (with it being basically a clone of the Ataman), it could have a very bright future. Last I spoke to Miss Victoria she was heading to Turkey in May to see that the changes were implemented. 

I have not heard what the current status is from Her. And she is NOT a bloke masquerading as a Woman. She is a well educated, driven Woman Business owner. If the needed changes were impossible for them to achieve, I hate to hear it. 

I have helped several companies making Air Guns and Companies that swage or cast slugs and remain in the shadow for the ;most part. It is something I enjoy and have seen a few improvements in Airgunning stemming from my research and efforts. Who those companies are, are between me and the owners. 

My only fault that I see is that I was assured that current owners would be receiving the upgraded Barrels and Hammer guide rod's. Seems that didn't happen so far. I simply relayed the info form the company. I feel just as badly as anyone else. 

I requested no payment or compensation of any kind for my efforts. I simply wanted to help both the Company and most certainty the end customers. 

If you well go back to my writings, you will find that I freely gave my thoughts on the issues with the guns. I imagined the company would take a dim view of my outing the issues, but was quite gracious about it. 

If making an effort to help both the company and Members here is a bad thing - guilty. and would do it again in a heart beat.

Particularly helping people that are having issues in getting their guns to perform well with slugs. Having years of experimentation and experience with slugs and how to make the guns perform with them Is knowledge that should not be wasted by keeping it to oneself.

On a side note, a few weeks ago I unexpectedly rec'd a package from Her that was some very well make swaged slugs of several weights. One in particular was a boat-tail with a red polymer tip in .22 cal.

I have not tested them as yet as my high power .22 is currently down with an issue with the valve. It is not a Cattleman, and the Test mule I have her is tuned for pellets. Not the power needed for good performance with Slugs. I do not yet know if they are a product of their making or an outside source. Hope to learn somethning soon as they are impressive in appearance. 

Say it ain’t so Ms. Victoria’s “done skipped out of town” like a snake oil salesman. In all seriousness, I feel bad for anyone who bought one of those lottery tickets based on Knife’s recommendation of Ms. Victoria and the Cattletov platform. Some of you may not realize it but when you are a respected member, regarded as an airgun guru, your words carry weight to those seeking that knowledge and expertise. A few members and myself were able to see through the smoke before it settled but many were burned in taking a risk on a gun that looked the part but in most cases fell short. It’s a damn shame that NOT ONE opportunist(pishtov, gunsan, cattleman etc etc) was able to fix the issues with that platform and offer a decent, affordable air rifle. But then again, better QC and parts causes the price to increase. At those increased prices there are more reputable companies with real warranties. Moral of the story: Don’t take a chance on a new airgun/company until it is proven, unless you like gambling

Excuse me Sir, but I never recommended the guns. It was my position that with improvements that I was developing for the gun, (with it being basically a clone of the Ataman), it could have a very bright future. Last I spoke to Miss Victoria she was heading to Turkey in May to see that the changes were implemented. 

I have not heard what the current status is from Her. And she is NOT a bloke masquerading as a Woman. She is a well educated, driven Woman Business owner. If the needed changes were impossible for them to achieve, I hate to hear it. 

I have helped several companies making Air Guns and Companies that swage or cast slugs and remain in the shadow for the ;most part. It is something I enjoy and have seen a few improvements in Airgunning stemming from my research and efforts. Who those companies are, are between me and the owners. 

My only fault that I see is that I was assured that current owners would be receiving the upgraded Barrels and Hammer guide rod's. Seems that didn't happen so far. I simply relayed the info form the company. I feel just as badly as anyone else. 

I requested no payment or compensation of any kind for my efforts. I simply wanted to help both the Company and most certainty the end customers. 

If you well go back to my writings, you will find that I freely gave my thoughts on the issues with the guns. I imagined the company would take a dim view of my outing the issues, but was quite gracious abut it. 

If making an effort to help both the company and Members here is a bad thing - guilty. and would do it again in a heart beat.

Particularly helping people that are having issues in getting their guns to perform well with slugs. Having years of experimentation and experience with slugs and how to make the guns perform with them Is knowledge that should not be wasted by keeping it to oneself.

I agree with you, you are an asset to the airgun community with your knowledge and willingness to help. The fact is that you were charmed by Miss Victoria and she ain’t what she claimed to be. If you read through the comment section on M&B’s video or even some posts on GTA you’ll see that

Sure seems to be a lot of questionable and bad things going on for sure Sir!

And I very much appreciate your understanding on this mater in regards to myself. 

Lol I didnt know Knife recomended them? There is plenty of cheap guns that can perform or even outperform "highend" guns if certain things get fixed. I never heard of him saying cattleman guns were perfect just that he was pointing out issues and trying to help manufacturer make those fixes. It surely is fault of manufacturer if they never took advice from it and just kept piling junk out of the factory. I dont think any of the cheaper guns should be recomended for most ppl. Unless you are willing and able to do some milling and turning your self and know what you are doing there surely isnt any free cheap meal matching 10x pricepoint factory guns. If you can and know there is plenty of cheap guns you can improve alot. Would I recomend any of those for avarage Joe most likely not and I dont think Knife was doing so with Cattlemans.. If you read his posts and leave out the fact manufacturer never repaired issues he pointed out but you can do so your self I dont see any issues here. If not blame Cattleman not Knife. Most issues with airguns are due alot of cheap manufacturers have zero idea how those guns should be built. For sake of it there is alot of high end guns too well most of them that arent in a level of built and design quality what they should be at.. Most weak points are barrel ridigity and way they are connected and also the fact alot of manufacturers still use barrel bands connecting airtank to a barrel instead of making solid barrel with least contacting points as possible. This issue on otherhand is kinda end user driven due ppl wanting as light guns as possible and if we compare firearms to airguns we are always on heavy side due airtanks, valves, blocks etc that are needed to carry air and easiest way to cut that weight is to remove it from barrel and upper. For sake of it leave Knife alone lol atleast he is still among rare few who bother and try to help where as there is plenty of ppl who dont anymore due alot of junk you get.

What comes to Cattleman and other cheap manufacturers never buy such a gun and expect it to be perfect out of the box. They never will be. Same goes with chinese guns etc but what I have found turkish guns are among the worst. Even hatsans are complete junk and they atleast have long history of making shotguns etc and they are not even on the cheap side. 

You say Hatsans are complete junk. You are wrong about that. My Flash will shoot as accurate as any high end gun I have. It is not as smooth cocking, but its quite and for the price, the best value for the money spent. 199.00

It can shoot well but that dosent tell anything about build quality. At44 and bt65 were still rather simple and ok but hatsan antibounce system for example is one of the worst and every model that has it have huge tendency to brake it. Yes it might be decent purchase for that price and thats about what hatsans should cost lol. I never have had Flash in my hands so I dont really know but Im so fed up with everything from that manufacturer I dont even want one for free. 

Its nice tho that you have had luck with them 🙂

I was reading the comment section and all these people got screwed thanks to his lies are thanking him for being honest…….your

He deleted all the negative comments toward himself, only kept the ones that thanked him for being such a stand up guy! Because of him and other dishonest reviewers that got a couple of free guns, lots of guys wasted 500 bucks on these crappy cattlemans.

You’re misunderstanding the definition of Recommend - put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role. (2) make (someone or something) appealing or desirable. That being said, Knife did recommend Miss Victoria as a good business woman and good person. She’s good alright.. good at taking people’s money and then ignoring them when problems arise. I’m not bashing Knife in anyway or stating false opinions. Everything said are facts. 

It’s funny because I’m pretty sure Knife understood what I was saying but you somehow interpreted what I said as an attack on him. I’ll call a spade a spade any day and if that rubs someone the wrong way so be it. I hate sugar coating poop. I was dead on right in my prediction about Miss Victoria and the Cattleman platform. And I hope it saved a few members from purchasing that pile
They or she aren’t another airgun company, just another importer trying to sell crap no one else was successfully at selling in the US. Can’t fault them for trying to make a buck but obviously more than they can handle. Very likely another “airgun company” or accurately importer will give the same piles a try again one of these days. They don’t have a way to influence the manufacturer.
They or she aren’t another airgun company, just another importer trying to sell crap no one else was successfully at selling in the US. Can’t fault them for trying to make a buck but obviously more than they can handle. Very likely another “airgun company” or accurately importer will give the same piles a try again one of these days. They don’t have a way to influence the manufacturer.

Actually yes 100% correct if this turkish poopfactory is anything like Snowpeak you can only choose brand they stamp on it and to implement changes you would have to do it like Mrodair did with snowpeak guns and do them in house. 

You’re misunderstanding the definition of Recommend - put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role. (2) make (someone or something) appealing or desirable. That being said, Knife did recommend Miss Victoria as a good business woman and good person. She’s good alright.. good at taking people’s money and then ignoring them when problems arise. I’m not bashing Knife in anyway or stating false opinions. Everything said are facts. 

It’s funny because I’m pretty sure Knife understood what I was saying but you somehow interpreted what I said as an attack on him. I’ll call a spade a spade any day and if that rubs someone the wrong way so be it. I hate sugar coating poop. I was dead on right in my prediction about Miss Victoria and the Cattleman platform. And I hope it saved a few members from purchasing that pile

So its wrong thesedays to be goodhearted person wanting to trust people ok?

Your point seems to be to just keep spamming you were right... You want medal? Im sure he feels enough poop for trusting her and spending his time on gun that turned out to be just one more money taking method instead of managing to give cheap affordable decent gun to public. She sure was something else than what she said she is but you cant really blame someone for trusting her. In the end trust between ppl is everything we have. 
I can tell Ya this, This o'l Texas is far from being a damned Snow Flake! GRRRRR! 

I did not take Legionnaires comments as a knock on me at all.

At this point I am hearing a lot of speculation. I want to find out what actually happed. My ex-leo back ground will not accept hearsay. Yet is seems to have merit.

I would love to say, "Say it Ain't So", but fear it is beginning to look, well, not good. Not good at all! 


At this point I am hearing a lot of speculation. I want to find out what actually happed. My ex-leo back ground will not accept hearsay. Yet is seems to have merit.

I would love to say, "Say it Ain't So", but fear it is beginning to look, well, not good. Not good at all! 


we will never find out from the horses mouth exactly what happened as people who ran cattleman airgun took their profit and moved onto selling other things. I happened to personally know quite a few people who work or own import businesses the likely Chain of event is as followed:

1. Victoria and whom ever saw popularity of airguns or an opportunity to make a buck.

2. Got in contact with an airgun manufacture and ordered a 1/4-1/2 container of Airguns with their logo for about 35-45 dollars a piece

3. somewhat social media savvy found some sneak oil salesman on YouTube

4. sold a bunch of guns thanks to said sneak oil salesman and pandemic, made good money selling at a premium price directly to consumer

5. people started to have problems and want repair or return

6. unable and unwilling to meet warranty demands they simply cut their loses or took the profit and ran

fairly classic pump and dump scheme with zero chance of long term success. Knife wasted his breath talking to them because they don’t have the knowledge nor the capability nor the intention to influence gun design at all with their tiny littlle purchasing power. They were so little they don’t even have a remote chance in hell securing a contract with any retailer not to mention much diminished margin doing so. Thanks to social media they were able to go directly to consumer and made handsome profit/made out like bandits but took off like bandits too. If crosman has terrible time with QC buying millions of dollars of guns how is a small importer working from their garage with no future orders have any influence on gun manufacturing? 

I didn’t want to expose the inner working of importing goods mainly because people won’t believe it, even now I’m sure someone will argue my estimate on cost is too low while I’m erroring on the high side! That sh!t is straight pig iron! LOL