can someone tell me the purpose of "following" another member?


Thanks, guys. My passion since a young kid was to be a cartoonist one day, but the twists and turns that you go thru in life has caused that dream to be unreachable, lol. The closest I got to doing it while getting paid was when I capped off my career as a sheet metal worker as an instructor in the apprenticeship program for my trade. My students always laughed at my cartoons that I drew up on the board during a lecture on HVAC duct design. The pictures drawn were all about subject matter but with a twist to help the students thru a very tough subject.

the best ones, were during classes of straight lecture, like OSHA safety training. I warned the class that if I caught anyone dozing off that his face would end up on the board, as I saw it, for all to see. Once drawn, I would give the gonahead to the student sitting next to sleepy head to give him the wake up nudge. When he opened up his eyes and saw this caricature of him on the board, the class would burst out in laughter.

Great times. I miss that job. Best one ever