Brother in need

Thank you so very much.

At 52yrs old, I thought I had a pretty good handle on things. A Veteran, over 22 years law enforcement/government work, I thought I'd seen and experienced it "all".

This however, I am totally and emotionally drained.

In January, after 4 long years of assisting my younger brother with health issues, I lost him to renal failure/cancer. March, I discovered my wife of 17 years had been having an affair on and off for the past 12 years. Then to boot, this past week, I had to put down my best girl. My K9 partner of 8 yrs... Now a gosh darn Tornado!? (Sure does have an the earmarks of a good country song!) 😌

If you're biblical, I feel like "Job" right about now. Holding on to faith that this is happening for a reason...

In the meantime, if at all possible, any assistance is warmly welcomed.

Thank you so much...