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Feedback Brad Shumaker or bowhuntr5 is DISHONEST seller!!!

I bought the Atlas BT46 LW17 from Brad (bowhuntr5) from his advertisement a long time ago, but he gave me BT10 LW17. We both didn’t know the difference. Until now, I just sold that bipod to Joe (IguanaPolice) and he told me the difference. To make it fair, I refunded Joe $50 to make the difference. 

I contacted Brad, he admitted that he didn’t know it either. I told him that I refunded my buyer $50, and I want him do the same to me. He doesn’t want to do the refund. So, I guess it’s my loss. 

I have been in AGN for awhile, and I never had any problem like this. Whenever I sell my stuff, I always try to make it right and try to give away extra. I just want to make everyone happy, and hate to be negative.

If anyone want to see proof, I have all the screenshot of the conversation!!! 

I post it today, so it won’t happen to anyone else.

Sounds like an honest mistake to me, and may not qualify as "dishonest" since you said neither of you knew about the discrepancy at the time. Had you noticed the problem and contacted him right away for a return or refund and he refused, that would be a different matter. But sounds like quite a bit of time had passed. You can't hold sellers responsible forever for something that you failed to notice, and if the original sale was in good faith (meaning they weren't trying to deceive you). Just my thoughts on it.
If I want to sell the item, I will use the original box to describe that item. In this case, Brad sold his bipod for BT46, but it was BT10. If I am the seller, I will refund the difference of that just like I did to Joe. But Brad won’t do the refund and disappear even he admits he wrong. 

That’s why I said it was my loss for trusting the wrong person! 

What if it were the other way around. Say he thought he was selling you a BT10 (cheaper), but the bipod you actually got was a BT46. Neither of you notice it for quite a while. Then his buddy tells him "you know that bipod you sold cheap was really a BT46 and worth $50 more". Then he messages you and tells you that he wants you to give him the extra $50 it was really worth. Do you give him the extra?
If he was selling the BT46 for $240 instead of $350 that was a deal. That’s why I got it, and he gave me BT10. As a seller, they know the price of the item will go down compare to new one. I sold many items, and I accepted that lost. 

But if he sell the old BT10 for $240, I would rather buy new one for $280 free shipping on Amazon. This wouldn’t be any problem.

If he was selling the BT46 for $240 instead of $350 that was a deal. That’s why I got it, and he gave me BT10. As a seller, they know the price of the item will go down compare to new one. I sold many items, and I accepted that lost. 

But if he sell the old BT10 for $240, I would rather buy new one for $280 free shipping on Amazon. This wouldn’t be any problem.

That's NOT what I asked, if you don't want to answer the question that's OK.