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BR-50 International

What has become of BR-50 International Benchrest organization and matches? It's my understanding that the same target was to be used for rimfire at 50 yards and air rifle at 25 Yards. Do any clubs still host this? Is there an organization website? in searches I come up with a name "Larry Brown". as you can also imagine that's a very common name, so it leads to a lot of different directions.
I got my targets and plugs here…

national50.org And they are printed on nice card stock so the holes are easy to plug accurately. 
Here in Utah, Wasatch front airgun league has been hosting national 50 bench rest. For about a year now. We’ve been having very high success with turn out. And everybody reports back how much they enjoy the 50 yard Bench rest. It’s been very easy for us to host. We made arrangements with our local range to set aside some benches on the far end. This allows us to host an event with the least amount of work involved for us. And giving us the opportunity to shoot the event to. 
good luck with your events, Mont
Dave, Mrshosted,

I think you're confusing the N-50 with the BR-50... BR-50 is a rimfire sport for 50 yards, but if air rifles are to be used the distance is 25 yards, same target. Not looking for 50 yard match organization, as N-50 has that covered. I also have the plugs and the targets for N-50 here. Most of our shooters are "in their comfort zone" at 25 meters, and very few are "equiped" for the 50 Yards game. So much so, that when I run a 50 yard match, most leave and go on home to do "family things and gardening". If I run (2) 25 meter matches in a day I get get full attendance at both events. As far as I'm concerned 25 Meters is about all a 20 fpe rifle is geared to shoot "benchrest accuracy", even the 12 fpe guns have a hard time at only 25 meters. Now I know you guys are going to say "well look what Mike Nitckchzs is doing". And I ask... have you looked at what Mike is doing? He's building a great 50 yard set up... but what has he changed... other than everything... the scope can remain the same. True Benchrest accuracy is 25 meters for a 12-20 pound rifle. For 25 meters, is there an organization other than USARB ? 

As Mike stated it does not exist, you could ask this same question at Benchrest Central on the rimfire forum. Someone will chime in. I might even have a couple of their targets.

Sorry that you folks can't shoot N50 and are struggling at 25m.

Maybe consider starting your own organization for 25 yards, with easier target, just a thought.



As Mike stated it does not exist, you could ask this same question at Benchrest Central on the rimfire forum. Someone will chime in. I might even have a couple of their targets.

Sorry that you folks can't shoot N50 and are struggling at 25m.

Maybe consider starting your own organization for 25 yards, with easier target, just a thought.


Joe... I detect a little salt in the serving... Don't read something into it the isn't there... Extreme accuracy is just that, extreme accuracy... Fliers that we experience with the worlds best pellets from the worlds best rifles, happen somewhere between 25 and 50... therefore luck wins at 50, accuracy wins at 25. I'm not looking for an easier target.... In fact I've shot that BR-50 (as well as the IR 50-50, USRB, and IBS 50) target years ago with rimfire... It isn't easier than USARB. I'm asking about another Organization that is more dedicated to 25 meter or yard air rifle and shooters. We can shoot N-50 and have shot N-50... when given the choice 25 wins in shooter numbers... When we schedule 50, the shooters just don't show up.

Adverse to that is the 100 yard BR ( I would more consider them like NRA high-power possibly F class ) crowd, miraculously they get more shooters, of a different breed, not the same accuracy, not the same gun, but lots of shooters that only get to shoot 1 target at 100, some would rather we shoot Hail Maries at 300. they show up just on time, minimal extra equipment, rifle, slugs, bipod, and leave as fast as targets are scored and head to the local watering hole to chat. A far cry from the regimented benchrest aggregate shooting. Some want relay one so they can get to the bar first, others seem like they left home moments ago to get here and the sprinkler is still on and needs to be shut off as soon as they get home. Scores are written down and compared but never really submitted anywhere and everyone has a blast for the hour that it took out of their month. It's a different breed. Not that it's wrong, it's just not my type of right. And I see locally 50 yards being a similar thing. The rifles we use here are either built for 25, or built for varmint shooting at much more distance with a lesser regard to BR accuracy.
I’d just set up your own league with custom targets for 25 yards. My first pcp gun was a .25 marauder and it was hit a quarter accurate at 50 yards, but the hits would be all over the quarter and you wouldn’t score well unless you shot at 25 yards. If I tried the stock marauder in competition at 50 yards against the high end rifles I’d be eliminated immediately, and head for the watering hole lol. But if I tried that marauder in a 25 yard competition I would definitely have done fairly well, good enough to stay interested!
A 25 yard competition would be fun and lots more rifles would be competitive, great idea. Hail Mary’s are fun for a little while but not interesting for very long in my humble opinion lol.

Being able to show up at a match where you are competitive and even winning sometimes would keep me showing up. Good luck with this.

As Mike stated it does not exist, you could ask this same question at Benchrest Central on the rimfire forum. Someone will chime in. I might even have a couple of their targets.

Sorry that you folks can't shoot N50 and are struggling at 25m.

Maybe consider starting your own organization for 25 yards, with easier target, just a thought.


Joe... I detect a little salt in the serving... Don't read something into it the isn't there... Extreme accuracy is just that, extreme accuracy... Fliers that we experience with the worlds best pellets from the worlds best rifles, happen somewhere between 25 and 50... therefore luck wins at 50, accuracy wins at 25. I'm not looking for an easier target.... In fact I've shot that BR-50 (as well as the IR 50-50, USRB, and IBS 50) target years ago with rimfire... It isn't easier than USARB. I'm asking about another Organization that is more dedicated to 25 meter or yard air rifle and shooters. We can shoot N-50 and have shot N-50... when given the choice 25 wins in shooter numbers... When we schedule 50, the shooters just don't show up.

Adverse to that is the 100 yard BR ( I would more consider them like NRA high-power possibly F class ) crowd, miraculously they get more shooters, of a different breed, not the same accuracy, not the same gun, but lots of shooters that only get to shoot 1 target at 100, some would rather we shoot Hail Maries at 300. they show up just on time, minimal extra equipment, rifle, slugs, bipod, and leave as fast as targets are scored and head to the local watering hole to chat. A far cry from the regimented benchrest aggregate shooting. Some want relay one so they can get to the bar first, others seem like they left home moments ago to get here and the sprinkler is still on and needs to be shut off as soon as they get home. Scores are written down and compared but never really submitted anywhere and everyone has a blast for the hour that it took out of their month. It's a different breed. Not that it's wrong, it's just not my type of right. And I see locally 50 yards being a similar thing. The rifles we use here are either built for 25, or built for varmint shooting at much more distance with a lesser regard to BR accuracy.

Hey Paul no salt just telling it like I read it. You can shoot N50 but don't because the accuracy is not there for you folks. It is a struggle for a 12fpe rifle to shoot outdoors at 25m let alone a 20fpe rifle. Something about the current organization that bugs you, because you keep asking if there is another organization that will cater more to yours and the shooters needs. I do not know of any is why the suggestion was made to start your own organization. 

You complain about fliers, and sorry to say there just is no matter what you do to those pellets. You can not test anymore so what is coming in is what it is.

I highly recommend you start your own organization and am not being a smart ass. We use to shoot airgun benchrest 10 or so years ago, the distance was 25 yards, do not know if you remember but the gents name was Ron Lewis, fun target to shoot plus I have a lot of targets left over.


Look for the WRABF ( www.wrabf.com ) that would be a World Benchrest Federation, on its site there are the targets of BR25 for air rifle and BR50 for rimfire, it is an organization with many countries.
Unfortunately they only shoot at 12 fpe and 20 fpe air rifles and only up to 25 meters.
That is why in the USA the N50 league is much more popular.
