Best .22 cal pellet for squirrel and rabbit.

Hey guys I'm kinda of new to the sport of air gunning and have a question on pellet selection. Being new to the sport I chose to go with a spring powered air rifle because it was what I could afford, and I heard it was a good way to get into the sport. I've been hunting most of my life, and I know rim-fires and center-fires will do the job, but I wanted a new challenge. One day I was on YouTube and I searched air rifle hunting, and the first video that popped up was by Ted's Holdover. I got so into his channel I subscribed and waited for every new video. I love Ted's video and I've learned a lot from him. Watching him made me want to get into this sport as soon as I could. One of these days I want to get out to one of the air gun shows and meet him in person. Anyway I found the Gamo G2 Whisper in .22 cal and bought it. I know it's not the best out there, but it's what I could afford so I went with it. I've been using Crosman Hollow Points 14.3 grains and there decent, but I wanted to know if there was a better pellet for squirrels and rabbits out there. So if you have any advice or pellet selections let me know and thank you all in advance.
"MattChastain"The best hunting pellet is the one you are most accurate with. Not sure what people shoot out of gamos but try jsb and h&n pellets. Shot placement is the more important thing. What kind of groups are you getting with the crosmans.
Air gunning is all about shot placement and the most accurate pellet is always the right choice. If you hit the quarry with pinpoint accuracy, you won't need a 100 ft/lbs of energy or a more expensive specialty pellet. Look at the game the Brits take down with sub 12 ft/lb air guns and "plain jane" lead pellets. Take a look at the pellet reviews posted at on-line retailers. Look for people using the same gun you're using and see what pellet works for them. That should get you in the ballpark. I use a 12.65 grain tin pellet with my TX200 and an 18.01 grain lead pellet with my HW90. The only thing these pellets have in common is that they are the most accurate pellet for that air gun. Which air rifle I used to kill the squirrel or rabbit is immaterial because the animal is just as dead. When finances permit, I would highly recommend that you invest in a chronograph. A chronograph will help you determine the best pellet for your air gun, how many yards you should sight-in at and the condition of you air rifle. I've chronographed hundreds of pellets and the most accurate has always been the pellet with the lowest standard deviation. This makes sense because the standard deviation denotes consistency. Depending on the quality of your air rifle, the standard deviation of the best pellet should be in the single digits 1-9. 
I don't have any experience shooting squirrels ( doesn't seem to be many around in Oz, lol ) but I am happy with the performance of JSB Jumbo's 15.9grn pellets on rabbits. My Huntsman starts them at about 950fps, 32fpe?, and will put them into .5 inch at 50yds, without sounding too critical your 1.25 inch groups might be a bit loose for head shooting with a one shot kill but with practice you should be able to tighten those groups.
Iron _sniperI started out just as you have, with a break barrel. I am not very good at break barrel.So I went pcp.

I so wish there was such a pellet to recommend. I have boxes of tins worth of pellets resulting from the quest of the perfect pellet for each gun I use. All my guns prefer different brands of pellets , so I can't recommend any. but keep trying....

just my two cents...
