Benjamin Marauder rifles still popular??

The marauder was a popular airgun. I own one and still have it since 2010. It is the most quiet airgun I ever shot. All you hear is the ping of the hammer hitting on valve. This is 2020. We have the new avenger. It has more shot per full than the marauder. It has an external reg adjustment. Which the marauder doesn't even come with a reg. And its just accurate or better than the marauder. And best of all, price is cheaper at only $300 vs I remember the marauder sold for $460.
I think many from the pnuematic side of the airgun community has owned one or more, as advances were made they fell out favor. You now have guns with more power combined with larger mags and shot count that cost more money. For an affordable easy to work on gun with very good customer support the Marauder fits the bill. I'm curious with the new semi autos. If you get the reliability, combined with quiet They could be a very efficent rat gun.
I’m looking for an armada right now. Just something to tinker with and customize inside and out. I’m kinda playing catch up with where airguns are currently at so this will be more of a project gun to learn from and play with so I don’t wreck something more expensive 😁

There’s still a lot of good aftermarket parts and support for the marauder/armada which is one reason I chose it.
I am well aware of everything that is out there and I still just recently put together a Marauder. I had a problem with getting foreign parts for another airgun and decided that I wanted at least one simple domestic airgun that I could get parts for and fix if I had to. I don't regret my decision at all. I built a MROD that is just about bullet proof and can't work out of adjustment and I would have to drive over it to get a poi shift. It is one trick pony but does exactly what I want, which was one magazine of 34gr JSB MKII's at 875fps. It's good to have one club you can rely on.

[EDIT] Wasn't too popular with the woodchuck I shot today, 75y right through the ear!

Great "project" gun
Conspiracy theory- maybe some sorta connection with FX and Turkey. IF people keenly paid attention to the freakishly similarities of HATSAN and early FXs like the Tarantula and spinoffs then Webley Raider from FX then Hatsan made them then came the AT4410 similar bit higher capacity 10 round instead of the 8 shot FX with same indexing system then the FX semiautos and FX style tear drop load first pellet tail end first from the front which fits the FX guns with minor modification some fit as-is too but FX dropped semiautos due to reliability and longevity issues which HATSAN hadnt learned yet and still keep on keeping on selling them. Too bad they didn't copy the FX triggers. Probes are interchangeable with FX guns too then the Kral supposedly a different company (same talk Turkey) is born that's freakishly consistent like the old school unregulated FXs now that Akula like the Dream Pup. I'm anxious to have an FX Dream Pup owner to do a side by side. Then what's next? A HATSAN or Kral Impact? If so, that should be at least half the price. Might be Even better since HATSAN and Krals aren't well known to be leakers and do fine without regulators. Even cheaper after their refurbs department start getting them in.

Crosman was smart to NOT have a Turkish company do a semiauto for them. Let's see how reliable Made in the USA is instead.
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Great "project" gun

That stock I love it. Pro varmant? 

for the OP. I have a synthetic marauder gen II with crosman barrel. It shoots near pellet on pellet to 50 yards and groups about 2” at 80 yards with JSBs. 43 shots at 39ft/lbs. not bad for a 200cc cylinder gun. No problems with it either.

there are more parts out there for Marauders than most guns too, like others have said. Still underrated in 2020 IMO.


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