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Benjamin Jim Shockey Steel Eagle NP2 Messed up right out of the box !

I'm sorry to hear you’re having issues with your new gun. I would just ask that you stop and think a minute. poope happens even with high end manufactures from time to time. Why not give Crosman the opportunity to correct your issues to your satisfaction before leaving negative feedback? It would seem they don't even have your gun back yet to make right. 

Trust me Rock, I know that $#!t happens. I work at a gun store, and have been selling airguns for 31 years ( and shooting them for 42 years). I have been doing my homework for months on which pellet rifle I wanted to buy myself for squirrel hunting. I decided on the above rifle, and ordered it. When it arrived the other day and I took it out of the box, it was a sad commentary on how bad quality control has gotten over the years. A few years back we had a batch of Crosman 2100 rifles that ALL had cracked forearms where a role pin that holds the pump mechanism to the forearm split the plastic. I know that Crosman will send me a new rifle, but that's not the point. That gun (and every other one that leaves the factory) should have been checked over for these type of defects BEFORE it left the factory. I'm just glad that I didn't order it for someone that was giving it as a gift.