Barred dove with all its toes

Been pulling patches an hour or so, was just about to start on the PP750 , when this guy shows up. I get a serious *THING* going for these Barred doves ever since one shed a poxy toe into my coffee at an outdoors Starbucks years ago. Down they go at every available opportunity.

Real happy with these CPHPs. This shot at ~25YD at about 30 incline, braced off the back of truck.


OK, I'll bite... is there something special about a Barred Dove with all of its toes?

Just curious...

And that reminds me of a story...

Back in 1976, I was touring Europe with an art group and while in Florence, Italy I had just put on my last clean shirt and stepped outside of the "Pension" hotel to go to an Art museum when I noticed all of the pigeons on the power lines above.

I made the comment to my fellow art group members "Wow, look at the mad bombers!"

No sooner did I get the words out of my mouth when my last clean shirt was soiled by one of the "mad bombers".

I didn't hold a grudge, but I found myself always looking up just in case for the rest of the 2 week tour! LOL!
Imported bird in which avipox virus runs endemic. Common to see them hobbling around on stumps. It's like Hansen's for birds. The pox has spread to the native birds and kinda gross to see one of our birds with no beak trying to extract nectar or bugs from flowers and leaf buds.

Thanks, didn't know that. Edited/updated my post above...