Backyard pesting/ hunting gun choice

Well I pulled the trigger and bought a lightly used P-Rod Woods Walker. It comes with a de-pinger, bigger spring, and bigger inlet port. I know it’s not as sexy as any of the other guns we were talking about but I think it will do the job and be a good intro into PCP world for me. Now I need a moderator…I’m thinking the DonnyFL Sumo. Any opinions? makes a moderator that threads right onto the end of the shroud. No adaptors needed. And only slightly larger in diameter than the shroud Itself and it’s pretty effective. I tried a DonnyFL Tanto on my Prod and didn’t like it nearly as much as the Hill moderator. I also prefer the look of the slimmer mod over the big can look too. But that’s just my personal preference.
Well I pulled the trigger and bought a lightly used P-Rod Woods Walker. It comes with a de-pinger, bigger spring, and bigger inlet port. I know it’s not as sexy as any of the other guns we were talking about but I think it will do the job and be a good intro into PCP world for me. Now I need a moderator…I’m thinking the DonnyFL Sumo. Any opinions?

Great choice for your first PCP, you won’t regret it. I have owned PRODS in the past and had no issues with them. I now own An EDgun Lelya and a Leshiy along with an Impact MKII. Something tells me you will be buying more PCP’S after you eradicate a few of those rats, PCP’S are a blast. Save some funds and try and get a tank, pumping up a PCP gets old fast.